U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)
Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)

GSA Contract Vehicle provides professional services to federal, state and local government agencies using various contractor labor categories to meet specific contract requirements at the appropriate level. If this type of contract is being used, it means that the GSA has reviewed iSimplify® qualifications based on performance, and has determined our market rates are fair and reasonable.
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541211 Auditing Services Financial-related audits, performance audits, recovery audits, transportation audits, and contract audits in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS) and non-GAGAS. Perform an independent assessment of an audited entity’s:
a) financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles
b) financial information, adherence to financial compliance requirements and internal controls, or
c) organization or program performance to identify areas for improvement.

541611 Management & Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, Business Program & Project Management Services – Provide operating advice and assistance on administrative and management issues. Examples include: strategic and organizational planning, business process improvement, acquisition and grants management support, facilitation, surveys, assessment and improvement of financial management systems, financial reporting and analysis, due diligence in validating an agency’s portfolio of assets and related support services, strategic financial planning, financial policy formulation and development, special cost studies, actuarial services, economic and regulatory analysis, benchmarking and program metrics, and business program and project management.

541219 Budget & Financial Management Services – Accounting, budgeting, and complementary financial services such as: transaction analysis, transaction processing, data analysis and summarization, technical assistance in devising new or revised accounting policies and procedures, classifying accounting transactions, special studies to improve accounting operations, assessment and improvement of budget formulation and execution processes, special reviews to resolve budget formulation or budget execution issues, and technical assistance to improve budget preparation or execution processes.

541214 Payroll Services – Agency-identified recurring commercial activities such as billing, payroll processing that includes collecting information on hours worked, pay rates, deductions, and other payroll-related data using that information to generate paychecks, payroll reports, and tax filings. These establishments may use data processing and tabulating techniques as part of providing their services.

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